How to tell the difference between menstrual discharge and menstruation

Distinguish between bad dew or menstruation can be judged according to the time, bad dew is the discharge of postpartum uterine cavity residues, usually takes 4~6 weeks, while menstruation comes as early as about one month after delivery, bleeding time is not more than 7 days.
1. Bad Dew: Bad Dew is the process by which a little blood, a little ecchymotic tissue, and a little necrotic endometrial tissue remaining in the uterine cavity of a woman’s postpartum period is gradually absorbed and expelled from the body. One week to two weeks after delivery, the vaginal discharge blood is dark red, the amount is relatively large, with the passage of time, to about 2 to 4 weeks, the discharge will become dark pink, white, etc. until it stops.
2. Menstruation: Postpartum menstruation usually occurs at the earliest around one month of vaginal bleeding, and the bleeding time does not exceed 7 days. Menstrual blood is a mixture of endometrium and mucous membrane tissue shed in the uterine cavity.
To distinguish between bad dew and menstruation, you need to go to the hospital, and the doctor will make a clear diagnosis according to the specific situation, so as to avoid delaying the treatment.

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