What’s wrong with the flesh bumps inside the labia?

There are many reasons for the growth of flesh bumps inside the labia, and the common ones are vestibular gland cyst, folliculitis, warts and so on. 1. Vestibular cyst: this is a kind of cyst that grows near the vaginal opening. Under normal circumstances, the fluid produced by the vestibular gland can be discharged smoothly through the opening of the gland, but locally, if there is an infection or damage to the vestibular gland, the ducts of the vestibular gland are blocked, and the fluid can’t be discharged, and the cysts will be formed. 2. Folliculitis: there are hair follicles on the outer labia majora, pubic mound and other parts of the body. If the hair follicles are damaged or infected with pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, folliculitis will be caused, and there will be redness, swelling and pain around the follicular opening of the vulvar skin and pus will be formed in serious cases. 3. Acute warts: human papilloma virus infection, mainly through sexual contact infection, high incidence in sexually active young and middle-aged people, will lead to women’s labia major and minor, vaginal opening, clitoris, vagina, cervix, perineum, and perianal and other parts of the lesions, the onset of the initial stage can be a single appeared reddish pimples, the tip of the tip of the tip, along with the development of the disease will be developed for the pattern of cabbage, papillate, cockle, etc. more than a few warts. There may be other reasons for the growth of meat bumps in the labia, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of the disease for treatment.

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