Can you get your hair back if you stay up too late?

Hair loss after staying up all night can be restored through lifestyle adjustments, medication, and autologous hair implantation. 1. Adjust lifestyle: regular work and rest, ensure 7~8 hours of sleep. Nutritional balance, insist on eating grains, supplementing plant protein, eating more soybeans, black sesame, and eating more alkaline fresh vegetables and fruits. Quit smoking and alcohol, smoking and alcohol will lead to scalp capillary constriction, affecting hair growth and development. Avoid using strong alkaline soap to wash your hair. Appropriate exercise is good for recovery. 2. Medication: Patients with androgenic alopecia and patchy baldness induced by staying up all night can choose to use topical minoxidil tincture solution as prescribed by the doctor to promote hair growth. 3. Autologous hair transplantation: When the effect of conservative treatment is not good, you can also choose hair transplantation technology to improve. The use of microsurgery, the hair thick area part of the separation removed, and then planted in the hair loss part of the follicle growth. It is recommended that patients who want to treat hair loss go to the hospital, follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment, do not blindly self-medication.

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