How to pull out a loose tooth fast

Loose teeth can be removed by dental extraction, but only when the affected tooth has been examined by a doctor and determined to be unretainable. The specific operation steps are local anesthesia, separating the gums, loosening the affected tooth, placing the dental pliers, and dislocating the affected tooth, as follows.
1. Local anesthesia: surface anesthesia can be used for loose baby teeth, and local infiltration anesthesia can be used for loose permanent teeth.
2. Separate the gingiva: use the gingival separator to separate the gingiva so that the dental pliers can be placed.
3. Loosening of the affected teeth: Use a dental tester to loosen the teeth.
4. Placement of dental pliers: Choose the appropriate dental pliers, insert them into the gingival sulcus gap along the tooth surface which has been completely separated, advance them to the neck of the tooth below the height of the profile, keep the beak of the pliers parallel to the tooth’s long axis, and clamp the affected tooth.
5. Dislocation of the affected tooth: After the clamp is tightened, the affected tooth can be dislodged from the alveolar socket by traction.
It is recommended to go to a regular medical institution to receive professional treatment.

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