What are the strongest anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs?

Chinese herbs do not have the effect of anti-inflammatory and sterilization. Generally, you can choose herbs that clear away heat and detoxification (removing heat and toxins from the body) and dispel dampness and kill worms. At present, there is no confirmation that the strongest effect of the herb is which, generally can choose the bitter ginseng, cypress and so on. Bitter ginseng is bitter in taste and cold in nature, with the effects of clearing heat and drying dampness (removing heat and drying dampness), killing worms, and diuretic. It treats diarrhea, dysentery and jaundice caused by dampness and heat. It can also kill insects and stop itching, treating scabies, itchy skin, eczema, and pubic itching. It should not be taken if the spleen and stomach are weak and cold (spleen and stomach are weak and cold), and should not be taken together with veratrum, the adverse effects are not exact. Huangbai is bitter in taste and cold in nature, belonging to the kidney meridian and bladder meridian, with the effects of clearing away heat and drying dampness, diarrhea and fire, removing steam, detoxifying and healing sores, it can treat dysentery, diarrhea, carbuncles and boils caused by dampness and heat. It can be used externally to treat eczema and wet sores. It is contraindicated for people with cold spleen and stomach, and the adverse effects are not exact. The use of the above medication requires medical supervision.

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