Are pharyngeal swabs harmful?

The pharyngeal swab is not harmful to the body if it is operated in a compliant manner, but improper operation may cause nausea and vomiting, and cross-infection if it is not operated in a compliant manner. The new coronavirus nucleic acid test is mostly done by pharyngeal swab, which uses a sterile sampler and is not harmful to the body if it is done in a compliant manner by healthcare workers. However, if the sampler is too rough, it may cause nausea, foreign body sensation, and in severe cases, vomiting. When taking a standard throat swab, it is necessary to pay attention to the sterilization of one person and one hand, and it will not cause harm to the body if this procedure is strictly followed. However, if the sampler is not strictly sterilized, it may cause cross-infection. In conclusion, pharyngeal swab compliance is not harmful to the body, and it is recommended that pharyngeal swabs be taken in a regular hospital and that any discomfort be treated promptly.

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