Is it serious for a man to have a hard lump in his chest near his ribs?

Men with hard lumps near the ribs in the chest consider chondromalacia, bone tumors, rib trauma and other reasons, benign diseases such as chondromalacia and rib trauma are not serious, and malignant diseases such as bone tumors are more serious.
1. Benign diseases: such as due to chronic thoracic rib joint strain, infection, trauma, endocrine abnormalities leading to costochondritis, or due to local trauma leading to rib fracture, the local formation of bone crust wrapped around the chest ribs will appear near the hard lumps, generally benign diseases, symptomatic treatment can be.
2. Malignant diseases: osteochondroma, osteoblastoma, bone metastases and other bone tumors, more serious, belong to malignant diseases, destroying the bone, resulting in local hard lumps, and more application of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgical resection.
Men with hard lumps near the ribs in the chest need to go to the hospital for examination, to clarify the specific causes, and to be evaluated by a professional physician to see if it is serious and to take further treatment.

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