What’s this sudden shaking while you’re sleeping?

Sudden shaking while sleeping may be myokymia, or it may be caused by hypocalcemia, epilepsy, degenerative diseases of the brain, sequelae of cerebral hypoxia, spinal cord lesions, etc. If frequent shaking occurs, you should consult a doctor in time to exclude disease factors. 1. Muscle twitching: muscle twitching is a kind of rapid involuntary muscle twitching. Sudden twitching while sleeping is physiological muscle twitching, which is a normal physiological manifestation and not caused by diseases. Its occurrence may be related to fatigue, too much exercise before bedtime leading to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. 2. Hypocalcemia: caused by the decrease of calcium ions into the blood or the increase of calcium ions excreted in the urine, hypocalcemia can lead to increased neuromuscular excitability, resulting in muscle spasms, twitching of the hands and feet and other symptoms, which in turn cause shaking in bed, but also cause bone pain, bone softening, as well as irritability, cardiac arrhythmia and many other manifestations. 3. Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease caused by excessive discharge of neurons in the brain, and some patients with epileptic seizures may experience involuntary twitching of a certain body part, and transient paralysis of the limbs may also occur in severe cases. Therefore, if the shaking is severe while sleeping, it may also be caused by epileptic seizures, and further examination such as electroencephalogram, electromyography, and cranial CT is needed. In addition, degenerative brain diseases, cerebral hypoxia sequelae and other brain lesions, as well as spinal cord lesions, may cause sudden shaking during sleep. If frequent and persistent shaking occurs, timely consultation should be made to clarify the cause of the disease, and then appropriate treatment should be carried out.

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