What’s wrong with a white, sticky nose?

  The most common cause of white sticky nasal discharge is chronic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis.  Chronic rhinitis mainly refers to the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and its more common symptoms include runny nose, burning sensation, and foreign body sensation, and the clinical treatment is still symptomatic treatment such as Nesuna nasal spray and Tongkang rhinitis tablets.  The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are mild or insignificant, and the local symptoms are nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, etc. The severity of sinusitis can be clarified by CT of the paranasal sinuses, and the main treatment includes 1. The treatment should include: eliminating the causes, actively treating obstructive nasal diseases, such as nasal polyps, nasal septal deviation; clearing the adjacent parts of infection, such as chronic tonsillitis and adenoid hypertrophy. Strengthen nutrition, pay attention to rest, exercise, quit smoking and drinking. 2, drug treatment: systemic antibiotics such as clarithromycin amoxicillin potassium clavulanate, etc., if necessary, and Chinese medicines such as rhinitis tablets, etc.  3.Topical treatment such as endosuction nasal spray, etc. 4.Surgical treatment endoscopic open sinus drainage.  In summary, chronic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis may appear white sticky nasal discharge, can be treated symptomatically through nasal spray and oral medication such as rhinitis tablets, if necessary, surgery can be performed as appropriate, generally speaking, the effect is still very good.

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