Can you rub your eyes long after a myopic lens implantation?

It is usually about three months after the lens implantation surgery that the surgical incision heals completely, and at this time rubbing the eyes is usually no longer affecting the health of the eyes. However, avoid violent eye rubbing, which may lead to eye surface damage. Myopia patients with high myopia or thin corneal thickness or flat corneal curvature that cannot be treated by laser surgery usually need to opt for crystalline lens implantation surgery to correct their myopia. The surgical incision is small and usually heals completely three months after surgery, at which time rubbing the eyes usually does not affect the patient’s post-surgical recovery or the health of the eyes. However, try not to rub your eyes because if your hands are not washed when rubbing your eyes, it can easily lead to eye infections such as conjunctivitis. In addition, rubbing the eyes with too much force may cause corneal abrasion, conjunctival edema and other ocular surface injuries. It is recommended that patients follow the doctor’s instructions for care after IOL implantation, have regular checkups, and seek prompt medical attention when discomfort occurs.

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