Bug bites are red, swollen and hard when will they heal?

Bug bites are red, swollen and hard, after active treatment, usually about a week can be good. 1. Wound treatment: mosquito saliva or venom will cause varying degrees of redness and swelling, severe localized formation of hard knots. First try to find the wound to squeeze out the secretion, with soapy water, sulfur soap repeatedly wash, after you can use boric acid solution or saline wet compress. 2. Topical medication: glucocorticoid ointment such as dexamethasone ointment can be applied locally, and antibiotics such as mupirocin ointment can be used topically if the infection is combined. 3. Oral medication: If the redness and swelling is heavy or enlarged, and systemic symptoms appear, you can take oral antihistamine medication such as loratadine under doctor’s supervision. After being bitten by a bug, medication is recommended to consult a professional doctor to avoid delay.

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