What are the benefits of eating oysters for women

Women eat oysters main benefit is able to provide the body with protein, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and other nutrients, good for health, but need to control the amount, do not eat too much.
Oysters is a relatively common food, nutritional value is relatively high, such as the protein contained therein, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, etc. are relatively rich, in addition, which also contains a variety of amino acids needed by the human body, the woman usually eat some appropriate to supplement the body with a variety of nutrients, good for health.
For example, the protein helps muscle growth and maintenance, calcium helps teeth and bone health, potassium helps to maintain normal muscle function, iron is the formation of blood red blood cells essential elements, zinc helps skin health, but also helps to improve appetite, amino acids help to enhance the immune system.
However, women should also eat oysters to control the amount, do not eat too much, so as not to increase the burden on the digestive tract, resulting in discomfort. It is recommended to pay attention to the nutritional balance of the diet, do not favor picky eaters, so that is good for health.

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