What are the effects and benefits of ginger peel?

Ginger Peel is the outer epidermis cut off from the rhizome of ginger. This product has the effect of harmonizing the spleen and promoting water circulation, and is suitable for edema, dysuria (unsmooth urination) and other conditions. Ginger peel, also known as ginger coat, ginger skin, cool and pungent, belonging to the spleen, lung meridian. Ginger peel can disperse water and Qi between the skin to reduce edema, and can be used together with orange peel, Poria bark, mulberry white peel, and dabao bark. It is used in the treatment of water-stagnation and qi stagnation of Pi Shui (edema with generalized swelling, low urine output and abdominal distension as the main manifestations) syndrome, which is characterized by swelling of the head and face, heaviness of the limbs, distension of the heart and abdomen, shortness of breath and wheezing (shortness of breath and shortness of breath), as well as edema in pregnancy. The adverse reactions and contraindications of Ginger Peel are not known. If you need to use the above drugs, you should ask a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for identification and use under the guidance of a doctor, do not blindly self-medication, so as to avoid delays in the condition.

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