How to cure black teeth

Black teeth treatment methods are as follows: 1, the use of tooth bleaching, but the effect is not very good, now many of the publicity toothpaste, have whitening effect are just the effect of commercial advertising, good teeth bleaching after 2-3 years or 3-4 years will rebound, so there is no compulsion or high requirements, doctors do not recommend dental bleaching; 2, discolored teeth are also easy to cause tooth black, through the extraction of nerve After the surgery, the teeth will generally gradually become gray-brown after 2 years, then the teeth are very ugly, more serious to do porcelain teeth to repair, and mildly through the resin repair to do veneers to restore the beauty; 3, for fluorosis, mild cases can be restored through resin, serious cases can be treated with porcelain veneers; 4, diligent brushing can also reduce the chances of tooth discoloration, the best number of times and time to brush teeth is 3 The best number of times and time for brushing is 3, 3, 3, that is, brush 3 times a day, 3 minutes after each meal, and 3 minutes each time; 5, regular scaling for six months to a year, go to a professional hospital to find a professional doctor for scaling.

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