How many years can artificial urticaria live

  Artificial urticaria, also known as skin scarring, does not usually affect a person’s normal life span.  Artificial urticaria is a specific type of urticaria that manifests itself as striated elevations along a scratch with or without pruritus several minutes after scratching or scratching the skin with a blunt instrument, usually fading on its own after a few minutes or hours and leaving no trace after fading. Late onset artificial urticaria, which manifests as lines of wind and erythema on the skin a few hours after the scratch and usually lasts no more than 48 hours. Artificial urticaria is caused by a variety of factors, both endogenous and exogenous, and is generally uncomfortable except for self-induced itching, much less affecting life expectancy. Artificial urticaria can last for weeks, months to years, and treatment is based on antihistamines, such as loratadine, cetirizine, epalmatine, etc. For severe itching, antipruritic drugs such as topical stove glycolic lotion can be applied.  In daily life, avoid local pressure and scratching of the skin, and do not over-tighten belts and other belts to reduce the triggering of artificial urticaria.

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