What kind of fruit clears heat and removes fire?

Fruits do not have the effect of clearing heat and removing fire, patients with high internal heat can drink honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc. to regulate, and if the condition is serious, you can use proprietary Chinese medicines or traditional Chinese medicinal soup under the guidance of a doctor for treatment. Fruits are just food and do not have any efficacy. Patients with high internal fire can drink honeysuckle tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc. to regulate in order to achieve the effect of clearing heat and removing fire. Avoid eating spicy and stimulating foods such as chili and mustard to prevent the degree of internal heat from worsening. If the condition is serious, patients can be treated with proprietary Chinese medicines or traditional Chinese medicine soup under the guidance of a doctor, such as honeysuckle granules with the effect of clearing heat and removing toxins (removing heat and toxins and evil qi from the body) and other proprietary Chinese medicines, or Huanglian detoxification soup and other traditional Chinese medicine soup medicines to carry out the treatment. It should be noted that the Chinese medicine soup must be diagnosed and treated by a Chinese medicine practitioner in order to be prescribed, and should not be used blindly by oneself, so as not to damage the health of the body. Eating fruits can not achieve the effect of clearing heat to remove fire, if the degree of internal fire is serious, it is recommended to the hospital, under the guidance of the doctor to use medication.

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