What are the causes of nodular foci in the upper lobe of the left lung?

The cause of nodular foci in the upper lobe of the left lung may be related to inflammation, tuberculosis, tumor and other diseases of the lung. 1. Inflammation of the lungs: the nodules of inflammatory lesions in the lungs are often less than 1cm in diameter, with clearer edges and in the shape of “plum blossom petals”. The main clinical manifestations of lung inflammation include chills, fever, cough, sputum and chest pain. The specific treatment depends on the type of pathogenic bacteria, and then use targeted anti-infective drugs for treatment. 2. Lung tuberculosis: the common type of tuberculosis is acute granulomatous tuberculosis, the nodule manifestation is granulomatous nodule shadow, the diameter of 3cm or less, characterized by the size, density and distribution of the same. The main clinical symptoms may be manifested as coughing, coughing up sputum, prolonged afternoon low-grade fever, night sweats, fatigue, emaciation, and weakness. Anti-tuberculosis treatment should be prescribed by doctor. 3. Lung tumor: Lung tumor nodules can be characterized by lobular sign, burr sign, cavity sign, and pleural depression sign. Lung tumors can also be corn-like nodules, which are unevenly distributed and accompanied by irregular thickening of interlobular septum. The main treatment modalities are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The causes of nodular foci in the upper lobe of the left lung are many, so patients should not judge or diagnose on their own based on a single test result, but should consult a doctor in time, who will analyze the situation and make a clear diagnosis.

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