How to regulate the fire during menstruation

Fire during menstruation can be reduced by taking heat-clearing Chinese medicine, specific medication should be diagnosed by a doctor to choose the medication.
“Fire” is a folk saying, belongs to the category of traditional Chinese medicine heat evidence, mostly due to dietary injuries, emotional disorders, climatic causes, divided into real fire and false fire. From the viscera identification is divided into liver fire, stomach fire, heart fire and so on.
Real fire is mostly caused by the feeling of external evil, heavy symptoms, fierce, often manifested as yellow urine, toothache, mouth, sore throat, eyes red and swollen, etc., can be used to clear the heat and detoxification drugs, such as honeysuckle, forsythia, root of bluebells, fritillaries, etc..
The symptoms are mild and long, manifested as hot hands and feet, dry mouth and throat, red tongue, weak pulse, etc. The treatment is suitable for clearing the heat and tonifying the deficiency, and the medicines available are Angelica Six Yellow Soup and Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan.
Liver fire is mostly manifested as red face and red eyes, headache and dizziness, irritability, etc., false evidence can be used to nourish the liver and kidneys, and solid evidence can be used to clear and diarrhea of liver fire gentian diarrhea liver soup san.
Stomach fire manifests as swollen and painful gums, bitter and dry mouth, halitosis, constipation, short and yellow urine, etc., solid evidence can be used to clear the stomach and diarrhea fire, false evidence can be used to nourish the stomach yin Sha Shen Maidong Tang.
Excessive fire in the heart is manifested as sores on the mouth and tongue, red face and thirst, irritability and heat in the heart (irritability and sultriness), insomnia, and dryness of the bowels, etc. In solid cases, we can use Guiding Chih-San to clear the fire in the heart, while in deficiency cases, we can use Jiao-Tai Pills to transport the heart and kidneys (the fire in the heart goes down, and the water in the kidneys goes up to restrain each other).
If you have symptoms of fire, you should consult a doctor and use medication under the doctor’s guidance.

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