What ointment to use for peeling and cracking heels

Heel peeling and cracking should be selected according to the cause of the drug, if eczema can be used externally zinc oxide ointment, hydrocortisone ointment and other drugs; if it is tinea pedis, you can use compound benzoic acid ointment, terbinafine ointment and other medications; if it is the environment is dry can be used externally petroleum jelly ointment, urea ointment and so on. 1. eczema: is due to internal and external stimulation of a variety of factors caused by the skin inflammatory reaction, may cause skin roughness and dry cracks, moss-like changes, resulting in peeling and cracking of the heel, can be used externally zinc oxide ointment for local softening and protection, as well as hydrocortisone ointment and other glucocorticoid medication. 2. Tinea pedis: mainly due to a variety of fungal infections, resulting in superficial skin diseases of the feet, scaly keratosis pilaris can also cause peeling and cracking of the heel skin, you can use compound benzoic acid ointment to carry out local exfoliation, and then with terbinafine ointment, clotrimazole ointment, and other antifungal drug therapy. 3. environmental dryness: the external air is dry, often in the outdoor wind blowing and other stimuli, can also cause heel peeling cracking, first of all, remove unfavorable triggering factors, maintain environmental hygiene of the room, the appropriate temperature and humidity, can be used externally petroleum jelly ointment, urea ointment, etc. for local softening. Heel peeling cracking, you should first go to the hospital to check the cause of the disease, all drugs need to be used under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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