What to do if you have small red spots on your palms

Small red dots on the palms of the hands of more reasons, may be eczema, sweat herpes, hand, foot and mouth disease or syphilis manifestations, need to take targeted treatment according to the cause of the disease. 1. Eczema: is a variety of internal and external factors at the same time, caused by itchy skin disease, manifested in the palm of the skin symmetrical erythema, pimples, flaking, accompanied by obvious itching, can be oral desensitization drugs such as ibuprofen tablets, diclofenac tadalafil tablets, and so on treatment. 2. Sweat herpes: a special type of eczema, usually caused by the skin of the hands in contact with certain allergens. The main manifestation is the symmetrical appearance of red bumps and deep blisters on both hands, with obvious itching. Treatment is based on topical glucocorticoids, and can be treated by applying mometasone furoate cream or fluoxetine cream. Usually eat less spicy and stimulating food, avoid wearing metal jewelry on your hands. 3. Hand, foot and mouth disease: it is an acute fever and rash disease caused by enterovirus, mainly manifested as elevated body temperature, about 2 days after the fever, hands, feet, buttocks and mouth can appear scattered red spots and blisters, with self-healing, accompanied by fever, can be taken to physical cooling or the application of antipyretic drugs, such as acetaminophen and so on. 4. Syphilis: It is a sexually transmitted disease, which is mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse. Syphilis can be manifested as symmetrical erythema on the whole body, including palms and feet, with no obvious self-conscious symptoms. Treatment is based on antibiotics to dispel mold, such as benzylpenicillin, ceftriaxone injection. After the end of syphilis treatment, you need to continue to monitor for three years, and you can’t have sex until you are cured. Small red spots on the palm of the hand may have other causes, it is recommended to timely visit the hospital to clarify the cause of the disease, follow the doctor’s instructions standardized treatment.

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