The fastest way to replenish the spleen

There is no such thing as the fastest way to replenish the spleen, but rather the right treatment for the symptoms. If you want to tonify the spleen, you can take medication, such as Ginseng and Atractylodes Pills and Liu Jun Zi Pills, etc. You can also relieve the symptoms by acupuncture at the acupoints of Foot San Li and Spleen Yu. It is recommended that treatment be carried out under the guidance of a doctor. 1. Ginseng Ling and Atractylodes Pill: It has the function of tonifying the spleen and stomach and benefiting the lungs and qi, and is suitable for weak spleen and stomach leading to tiredness and weakness (fatigue and weakness), lack of desire for food and drink, and diarrhea. Note that it should not be used by those who have poor bowel movement and a feeling of falling in the anus, it should not be used with quinoa, wulingzhi and soap pods, it should not be used with tea and carrots during the period of taking the medicine, and it should not be used with cold and flu remedies. 2. Liu Jun Zi Pill: It has the function of tonifying the spleen and benefiting the qi, drying dampness and resolving phlegm (removing phlegm in the body by drying dampness), and it is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, who suffer from reduced food intake, phlegm and qi deficiency, abdominal distension, diarrhea, etc. It is not recommended for pregnant women. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, and should not be used for those suffering from spleen and stomach yin deficiency (deficiency of yin in the spleen and stomach), which is characterized by dry mouth and dry stools. People with spleen deficiency can choose acupuncture points such as Foot Sanli, Spleen Yu and Stomach Yu, which need to be selected and operated by a doctor. In addition, spleen deficiency diet needs to pay attention to light diet, avoid eating greasy, spicy, raw and cold food, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach, and help the treatment of spleen deficiency.

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