How to gain weight fastest and best

The so-called fattening means storing excess energy in the body. There is no how to gain weight fastest and best technique, gain weight can be achieved through a reasonable diet, appropriate exercise and change lifestyle habits. 1. Healthy diet: Diet should be scientific, reasonable, adequate, not partial food. Ensure the intake of protein, fat, carbohydrates. Appropriately eat more steamed bread, noodles, rice and other staple foods, eat more eggs, milk, beef, fish, shrimp, soy products and other high-protein foods. In addition, it is necessary to eat more high-calorie foods, such as cakes, chocolates, snacks and so on, but also to ensure that the daily vegetables and fruits. 2. Reasonable exercise: to exercise more, to promote the body’s metabolism, help digestion and absorption, you can run, swim, climb the mountain and other aerobic exercise, every day to ensure that a certain amount of exercise, reasonable fattening. 3. Improve living habits: to gain weight, we must develop good living habits, to ensure adequate sleep, do not stay up late. Secondly, have a good state of mind, do not have too much anxiety and tension. Too thin need to seek medical attention, check the cause, exclude hyperthyroidism, diabetes, malignant tumors and other causes of malnutrition.

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