What’s wrong with sore legs every time you get a cold?

In the clinic, many patients will appear the symptoms of leg pain after each cold, the specific reasons for this symptom are the following: first, the appearance of leg pain in the cold may be due to the joint pain caused by fever when the cold, which is a relatively common cause, the main reason is caused by fever; second, for the appearance of leg pain in the cold, it may also be due to excessive secretion of lactic acid during the cold, not The second, for the cold leg pain, may also be due to excessive lactic acid production during the cold, not completely metabolized in the body, caused by the related symptoms. Therefore, through the above two analyses, we should actively treat the leg pain that occurs when you have a cold, and if you have a fever, you should give non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or other drugs that can reduce fever. The cold should also be actively treated, for example, you can take cold soft capsule, or cold and fever granules, can be combined with some antibiotics to treat, provided that the bacterial cold, viral cold is to be combined with some antiviral drugs to treat.

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