What to do about bowel adhesions in advanced stages of ovarian cancer

Bowel adhesion in advanced stage of ovarian cancer is usually related to ascites formation, post-surgery abdominal cavity infection, metastatic spread of cancer cells, etc. Conservative treatment or surgical treatment can be carried out in combination with the cause of disease. 1. Ascites formation: when ascites is formed, it leads to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity, which is easy to cause intestinal adhesion. It is necessary to drain the ascites by peritoneal puncture as soon as possible, and then perform intestinal adhesion release surgery. 2. Post-operative abdominal infection: If the patient has already undergone surgical treatment, post-operative abdominal infection will also cause intestinal adhesions. Anti-infection drugs such as cephalosporin and azithromycin should be taken orally in a timely manner, and after the infection is eliminated, it will be decided whether it is necessary to perform surgery to release the adhesion or not according to the situation. 3. Metastatic spread of cancer cells: when cancer cells metastasize and spread to intestinal tissues, intestinal adhesion will easily occur. Radiotherapy should be taken as soon as possible to inhibit the cancer cells, and it is necessary to decide whether surgery is needed to release the adhesion according to the situation. If bowel adhesion is found in advanced stage of ovarian cancer, it is recommended to evaluate whether surgery can be performed according to one’s own situation, and if surgery is not possible, comprehensive treatment can be carried out, which should be carried out under doctor’s guidance.

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