Is it okay to eat garlic for bronchitis?

Patients with bronchitis are advised to eat less garlic, which may irritate the bronchial tubes leading to worsening of symptoms.

Patients with bronchitis are advised to eat less spicy and irritating foods, such as garlic, which may stimulate the bronchial tubes, cause bronchoconstriction, aggravate the inflammatory reaction of the bronchial mucosa, and potentially increase secretion, and the symptoms of coughing and sputum cannot be relieved.

Patients with bronchitis usually have more severe symptoms in the cold season, especially morning cough, which may also be accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing and other symptoms. Clinical treatment often focuses on actively controlling the infection, relieving cough and sputum, and relaxing the bronchial tubes. Minimize triggering factors, such as avoiding smoking, staying away from irritants and preventing colds, and consume appropriate fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins.

Patients with bronchitis are advised to take standardized treatment under the guidance of a doctor to avoid aggravating the condition.

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