How to stop a nosebleed when you get up in the morning

If you get up in the morning and have a nosebleed, you should choose the bleeding stopping method according to the cause of bleeding, and the location and degree of bleeding. It is commonly used to control the symptoms by pressing on the nose to stop bleeding, filling in the nose to stop bleeding, and electrocoagulation or radiofrequency surgery to stop bleeding. Pressing to stop bleeding: generally, when you get up in the morning and have a nosebleed, such as bleeding in the superficial position of the front of the nasal cavity, you can use your fingers to press the nose, usually after 5~10 minutes of pressure, the bleeding will improve, or you can choose to fill the nasal cavity with a clean cotton ball, and then press it again for better results. If the pressure still can not stop bleeding, you need to go to a professional hospital timely consultation, in the ENT can be filled with hemostasis method, commonly used for the expansion of the hemostatic sponge, petroleum jelly gauze and other materials for the bleeding parts of the filling, can also play a hemostatic effect. If the bleeding still can not be stopped, you can choose electrocoagulation or radiofrequency surgery to stop bleeding under the recommendation of professional doctors. When you get up in the morning with a nosebleed, you should press to stop the bleeding, and if you can’t stop it, you need to actively seek medical attention to identify the cause of the bleeding and standardize the treatment.

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