What’s that little thing behind the baby’s ear that rolls to the touch?

There is a small thing behind the baby’s ear that rolls when touched may be an infant epithelioid cyst or lymph node infection, which can be treated with surgical excision and medication to fight infection. 1. Epithelioid cyst: it is a benign tumor with congenital developmental abnormality, which is mainly related to the developmental process in embryonic period. Epithelioid cysts are common in the head and face, mainly manifested as painless subcutaneous nodules, hemispherical usually no obvious symptoms. Surgical removal of epithelioid cysts is a common treatment. 2. Enlarged lymph nodes: The lymph nodes behind the ear are richly distributed in infants, and when the body is infected by bacteria or viruses, such as colds, otitis media, etc., the lymph nodes will become enlarged. Oral medication such as oseltamivir phosphate granules can be used to treat viral colds. If there is any abnormality behind the ear, the baby should go to the hospital immediately and be treated by a specialist.

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