Cold or hot compress after ankle sprain?

  Ankle sprains and contusions, commonly known as broken ankles, are a common occurrence in our daily lives and are the most common type of orthopedic emergencies. However, not everyone needs to go to the hospital after a broken foot, and those with mild symptoms can be fixed at home. But for the treatment of broken feet, whether to hot or cold compresses? Are you really doing it right?  A. Hot compress? Cold compress?  Hot compress is mainly used to reduce chronic pain, stimulate blood circulation, relax the tendons and activate blood. It works by increasing the temperature and blood flow of tissues in the body to attract additional nutrients to the painful area to enhance metabolism and phagocytosis of white blood cells. Cold compresses, on the other hand, can constrict capillaries and reduce local congestion, can reduce pain by decreasing the sensitivity of nerve endings, cool down and reduce fever, can reduce local blood flow and prevent the spread of inflammation and septicemia.  Therefore, after a broken foot, during the acute period (within 24h after injury), cold compress should be applied to the broken foot, which can make the local capillaries constrict and obviously reduce the local tissue bleeding and swelling, and can also reduce the pain.  If in the acute phase of ankle sprain and contusion hot compresses, as mentioned above, will increase the temperature and blood flow of the body tissue to attract additional nutrients into the pain area, which will aggravate the local tissue bleeding and swelling, and make the local tissue inflammatory response aggravated, increasing pain, which is not conducive to future recovery, or even aggravate the condition. Only wait until after the acute phase of the sprain and contusion (24h after), swelling, bruising is no longer aggravated when you can use, when the sprain location hot compress, can significantly reduce swelling and eliminate bruising.  Second, in addition to cold compress what else need to do?  To introduce a practical principle of treatment – RICE principle R-Rest (rest): stop walking, so that the injured part of the rest, to reduce further damage; I-Ice (ice): so that the temperature of the injured part to reduce the inflammatory response and muscle spasm, relieve pain and inhibit swelling. Each time 10-20 minutes, rest 20 minutes before the next ice, there is no rigid rule how many times a day, can achieve the effect of swelling on the line. Be careful not to apply ice directly to the affected area, but to wrap it in a wet towel to avoid frostbite. Ice should be applied only during the acute period.  C-Compression: Wrap the injured ankle joint with an elastic bandage and apply appropriate pressure to reduce swelling. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure, as this may increase the swelling and ischemia of the limb far from the wrap.  E-Elevation: Elevate the limb above the heart position to increase venous and lymphatic return, reduce swelling, and promote recovery.  The RICE principle is not only used for ankle sprains and contusions, but also for acute sprains and contusions in other areas.  It is also important to note that the acute stage of sprain and contusion should be careful not to massage and massage, which is the same as the principle of hot compress, will aggravate the local tissue stasis and swelling.  Third, and finally to give you a popular ice bag production: ice box in the refrigerator with ice, put in a plastic bag, put some water, about one-third, the bag exhaust tightened, an ice bag is complete. Lay the ice bag as flat as possible in front of the ankle joint, and then fix it with a bandage. There is a simpler way, is to put a wet towel into the freezer for a while, and take it out and put it directly on the sprain can also achieve the same effect.

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