Proper running can improve osteoarthritis

       Osteoarthritis is caused by non-inflammatory degenerative changes in the joint cartilage and the formation of bone fragments at the joint edges due to old age or other causes such as trauma, congenital abnormalities of the joints, and joint deformities. How should osteoarthritis be treated? How to prevent osteoarthritis in daily life? Experts say that running can help improve arthritis.  One study found that running is good for joint health. Nuclear magnetic imaging showed that runners’ cartilage health was significantly improved, suggesting that running is good for joint health.  In the study, Swedish researchers selected a group of people at risk for arthritis to run every day, while another group did not exercise. Nuclear magnetic imaging showed that the runners’ cartilage health was significantly improved, suggesting that running is good for joint health. Orthopedic surgeons often say that running stimulates cartilage to repair some small damage of its own, and that the body’s impact on the ground promotes the synthesis of specific proteins in cartilage, making it more robust. Experts say that when people reach a certain age, such as 40, they lose some of their cartilage every year. If you have no knee problems and run at a proper pace 5-6 times a week, your cartilage and joints will be very healthy.  However, it should be noted that if your knee has been injured or has undergone knee surgery, as well as incorrect running posture, it will increase the risk of arthritis. Secondly, people who are 9 kg overweight should not run vigorously, otherwise they will compress the knee and inflame it, forming bone spurs and accelerating cartilage loss.  Correct running posture: head up, back straight and relaxed; knees should be slightly bent when the feet hit the ground; arms bent about 90 degrees, let the arms swing as far as possible. Also choose a suitable running plan, for example, beginner: 10~12 weeks to run 5 km; intermediate: 6~11 weeks to run 10 km; advanced: 11 weeks to run 10 km.

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