What to do for a one-and-a-half year old child’s physical examination

Physical examination for one and a half year old children needs to check physical, bone, teeth, blood test and other items. 1. Physical examination: including weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, subcutaneous fat, body proportion, etc., which can observe whether the growth of the child is within the normal range. 2. Skeletal examination: such as whether the fontanel of the skull is closed completely, the shape of the spine, the development of the long bones, and whether there is chicken chest, O-shaped legs and X-shaped legs. 3. Dental examination: 1.5 year olds should have developed upper and lower molar teeth. 4. Blood test: to check whether the child has anemia and trace element deficiencies. In order to detect abnormal growth and development of infants and toddlers, it is recommended to give your toddler regular medical checkups as required, and if there is any abnormality, early and regular treatment will be carried out.

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