What happens when a pregnant woman lifts heavy objects

Pregnant women who lift heavy objects once in a while without discomfort will not do anything, but frequent lifting of heavy objects may increase the risk of preterm miscarriage, premature rupture of membranes, preterm labor, varicose veins, and so on. The burden on the pregnant woman’s body will increase after pregnancy, and when she holds her breath and lifts heavy objects, it will increase her abdominal pressure, which may increase the risk of miscarriage, premature rupture of membranes, and preterm labor. Frequent lifting will also increase the burden on the pregnant woman’s body, which will aggravate the obstruction of venous return in the lower extremities and increase the risk of forming varicose veins in the lower extremities or vulva. So avoid heavy lifting during pregnancy. During pregnancy, you should pay attention to proper rest, avoid strenuous exercise and fatigue, but also to increase diet and nutrition, but also under the guidance of the doctor to adhere to the appropriate amount of physical exercise, in order to ensure that the weight of the appropriate growth.

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