What is the reaction to a fish spike entering the stomach

Fish spines do not cause any special discomfort when they enter the stomach. The essence of fish spines is the backbone of fish, and the main component is calcium. When fish spines enter the stomach, they interact with gastric acid in the stomach, and the gastric acid reacts chemically with the calcium of fish spines to produce water-soluble calcium salts, while the remaining part is gradually softened by the peristaltic action of the stomach. So when the fish spines enter the stomach they are digested, and in addition, the part that cannot be digested is excreted with the small intestine, colon, and eventually the body. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much when the fish spike enters the stomach, as it will not cut the stomach mucosa and cause bleeding, etc. However, if the fish spike is stuck in the throat or esophagus, a gastroscopy should be performed to remove it.

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