How to treat sinusitis without a runny nose

Sinusitis without runny nose needs to be treated according to the possible causative factors, symptoms and primary disease, such as general treatment, medication, surgery and other methods of treatment. 1. General treatment: During the onset of sinusitis, it is necessary to increase the amount of water intake and appropriate rest time. 2. Drug treatment: if the patient is exposed to allergens to cause the disease, you can take oral loratadine, cetirizine hydrochloride and other anti-allergy drugs to relieve; bacterial infection caused by the need to use a sufficient amount of sensitive antibiotics, such as amoxicillin clavulanic acid potassium, cefuroxime, etc.; accompanied by nasal polyps, glucocorticosteroids can be used in conjunction with the treatment of relief of the symptoms, such as budesonide nasal spray and so on. 3. Surgery: If the patient’s nasal congestion, headache is more serious, the symptoms are still not relieved after drug treatment. Surgery can be used to treat the symptoms, and the commonly used surgical treatment is endoscopic sinus surgery. 4. Other methods of treatment: in ordinary life, you can also use hot towels on the sinus area to promote blood circulation. It is recommended that patients with sinusitis actively seek medical advice and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized medication and treatment.

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