Is it normal to have a high pressure of 147 and a low pressure of 76?

If measured three times on non-same day, high pressure 147mmHg, low pressure 76mmHg is not normal, it is mild hypertension. 1. The reference range of normal blood pressure is systolic blood pressure <140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure <90mmHg, high pressure 147mmHg has exceeded the normal range. However, hypertension cannot be diagnosed by a single blood pressure result. Patients can measure their blood pressure three times on different days, and if the systolic blood pressure is ≥140mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure is ≥90mmHg on all three measurements, hypertension can be diagnosed. 2. After the diagnosis of hypertension, one should not be overly nervous. Obese patients should strengthen exercise and control their body weight appropriately; reduce the intake of sodium, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; and eat less fatty meat and animal offal. When the systolic blood pressure ≥ 160mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 100mmHg, they should use antihypertensive drugs suitable for them under the guidance of doctors. In addition, once diabetic patients are diagnosed with hypertension, they should start taking oral antihypertensive drug treatment. Warm tips: high pressure 147mmHg, low pressure 76mmHg is not normal, is mild hypertension. Patients should ensure a healthy lifestyle and use appropriate antihypertensive drugs under the guidance of a doctor if necessary.

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