What’s wrong with recurring high fevers from kidney stones

Repeated high fever of kidney stone is related to infection, infection can lead to pus accumulation in kidney, and serious infection can lead to sepsis or even infectious shock, which needs to be treated in time. Kidney stones can lead to hydronephrosis, if accompanied by bacterial infection can easily lead to lead to kidney pus. Because of the stone blockage, the bacteria can not be discharged out of the body, it is easy to be absorbed by the body, leading to serious infection, which will cause recurrent fever, chills, back pain and other symptoms, and in serious cases, it can lead to septic sepsis or even infectious shock. If the kidney stone is accompanied by fluid accumulation and recurrent fever, it should be drained in time, and you can do nephrostomy and anti-infection treatment at the same time, and the stone can be dealt with only after the infection is under control.

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