What’s wrong with babies who always scratch their heads?

Baby always scratching head may be hygiene cleaning is not in place, lack of calcium, head eczema and other reasons.
1. hygiene cleaning is not in place: if parents usually do not pay attention to the baby to do head cleaning, scalp follicle secretion of oil accumulation in the scalp and hair, stimulate the skin, causing itching, the baby will appear always scratching the head.
2. lack of calcium: if the baby usually always stay at home, or parents failed to supplement the baby organism needs nutrients, resulting in a lack of calcium, causing rickets, the baby’s head sweat secretion increases, there may be always scratching the head, accompanied by irritability, night crying symptoms.
3. Head eczema: may be due to the baby sweat failed to clean up in time, the head for a long time in a humid environment, stimulate the skin pimples, local itching intolerable, leading to the baby always scratching the head.
The baby always scratching his head also, may also be other causes, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, give targeted treatment or standardized treatment.

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