Can Irritable Bowel Syndrome Get Better on Its Own?

Irritable bowel syndrome is somewhat self-limiting and can be self-cured, but symptoms may recur or intermittently flare up, affecting the quality of life, but generally not seriously affecting the general condition. 1. Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional bowel disease, often accompanied by abdominal distension, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea and other symptoms, with a certain degree of self-limitation. If the symptoms are mild, adjusting the diet, relaxing the mind, exercising appropriately, and reducing the stress reaction may lead to self-healing. 2. Most of the patients with irritable bowel syndrome cannot be cured by themselves, and most of them will have recurrent attacks. If left untreated, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and other symptoms may become more and more serious, which has a great impact on normal life and work. 3. After the disease can be symptomatic application of antispasmodic agents such as pivoxyl bromide, antidiarrheal agent loperamide, laxative lactulose oral solution, probiotics such as bifidobacterium trichomonas capsules and other medications, the specific use of medication should follow the doctor’s instructions. 4. Irritable bowel syndrome also has many predisposing factors: food intolerance, emotional problems, visceral hypersensitivity, etc. It is recommended that food intolerance be checked, emotional assessment be made, a low FODMAP diet and symptomatic treatment be recommended, and anti-anxiety be administered if necessary. At the same time and pay attention to moderate exercise, reasonable diet, etc., to promote the improvement of the condition as soon as possible.

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