Laryngitis caused by failure to identify fish spikes stuck in the throat

  Patient: examination and laboratory tests:: the end of August small fish spur stuck in the throat, then thought down, eating and drinking normal, feel a scratch on the right throat, also did not care too much, 2 days later the right throat pain, to the hospital to check no fish spur, eat anti-inflammatory drugs for 6 days, after stopping the drug works for 5 to 6 days, after that again hair, since then eat anti-inflammatory drugs useless, in a few days of time in the right throat foreign body feeling has not disappeared until now, from time to time on Now there are more than 2 months, the fish spur is still in the hypopharynx on the laryngeal node, when a month after the card did a gastroscopy, not found, and then did an electronic laryngoscope, still not found, now the inflammation in the slow development of the local doctor told not to take drugs, let it issue a good find, now has stopped taking drugs for more than 1 month, the imaginary swollen pus still has not appeared, chronic laryngitis are there, and there is no way to cure, really than The doctor said the fish spine will be rejection of the body, but I read the Internet, someone can not get rid of, stay in the throat for a few years, I do laryngoscopy, said the mucosa is intact, no obvious foreign body, fish spine if the meat is completely wrapped, there will be inflammation is it.  Treatment: Treatment: Antibiotics stopped for 1 month and no longer work.  Medical history: no previous I now do not know how to be good, all day long seconds like years, director, some people and doctors do not understand, saying that I am a psychological disease I do not blame them,,, I am psychologically normal, the feeling of fish spur in the right throat has always existed, and sometimes feel it moving, definitely not my whims, I do not know how to treat now, if the small fish spur really stay in the hypopharyngeal part of the human throat, hoarse voice also has 2 months. I don’t take medicine now, but it’s useless to eat the place that was brought down by the small fish spur, but the original point of the right throat just can’t get better, and now the whole throat is brought down.

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