Can you get infected by being scratched by someone with liver disease?

A scratch from someone with a liver disease is generally not contagious. Currently, the most contagious liver diseases are hepatitis A, B, E, C and D. These viral hepatitis are mainly transmitted through blood, sex and mother-to-child. Among these types of viral hepatitis, hepatitis B, C, and D are mainly transmitted through blood, sex, and mother-to-child transmission, while hepatitis A and E are mainly transmitted through the fecal-oral route. People with liver disease do not have hepatitis viruses under their fingernails or on the surface of their bodies, so scratches from people with liver disease are generally not contagious. Other types of liver disease, such as autoimmune liver disease, fatty liver, and alcoholic liver, are not contagious, so they are not contagious after scratching. After being scratched by a person with liver disease, you need to treat the wound in time, for small wounds, it is recommended that you can disinfect iodine povidone or alcohol disinfection, for deeper wounds, in addition to disinfection, you may also need to go to the hospital to inject tetanus vaccine.

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