How to deal with itchy eyes due to allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis itchy eyes, consider allergic conjunctivitis caused by allergic factors, need to be treated with medication, away from allergens and so on. 1. Use of drugs: combined with the patient’s history of allergic rhinitis, the cause of itchy eyes is mainly considered to be caused by allergic conjunctivitis, you can use eye drops or oral anti-allergy drugs, such as sodium cromoglycate eye drops or olopatadine hydrochloride eye drops, you can also take loratadine, cetirizine hydrochloride tablets and so on. At the same time actively treat allergic rhinitis. 2. Keep away from allergens: patients with conditions can go to the hospital for allergen screening, common allergens may be dust mites, dust, cold air, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics and other substances. While on medication, try to avoid contact with allergens. Meanwhile, patients should not press and rub their eyes freely to avoid aggravating the infection. Standardize the use of medication under the guidance of a doctor and avoid blindly using medication on your own.

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