Can mitral regurgitation cause insomnia?

Generally, mild mitral regurgitation does not cause insomnia, while severe mitral regurgitation causing dyspnea and coughing up phlegm may lead to insomnia.
The mitral valve is the valve in the middle of the left atrium and left ventricle. Various causes of valve closure insufficiency can cause regurgitation. Mild regurgitation manifests itself as dyspnea after labor, while severe regurgitation manifests itself as dyspnea, coughing up pink foamy sputum, and other symptoms. Mild mitral regurgitation does not affect sleep.
Severe mitral regurgitation can cause left heart failure with symptoms such as dyspnea, sedentary breathing, and coughing up pink foamy sputum, all of which can affect sleep and lead to insomnia.
If you have mitral regurgitation, you should go to the hospital in time, complete the relevant examinations to clarify the cause of the disease, and treat the symptoms under the guidance of the doctor.

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