Is it true that uric acid is higher in the summer than in the winter?

It is not accurate to say that uric acid is higher in summer than in winter, high uric acid is possible in both summer and winter, some patients’ uric acid is higher in winter, but some patients’ uric acid is higher in summer, so it depends on the situation. 1. High uric acid in winter: due to the cold climate in winter, the body’s energy consumption is greater, which may increase the production of uric acid, and the low temperature is also prone to cause vasoconstriction, uric acid elevation, more likely to cause gout attacks. 2. high uric acid in summer: part of the patient’s metabolism is more vigorous, and the summer is hot, there may be a lot of sweating, if you do not replenish the water in time, it will lead to the body’s uric acid content gradually increased. Patients with high uric acid should pay attention to their diet in normal times, do not eat too high purine food, such as animal liver, seafood, beer, etc., should maintain a light diet, so as not to let the uric acid rise again. It is recommended that patients with abnormal uric acid go to the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for standardized treatment.

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