How much do you know about the common problems of conjunctivitis?

  Conjunctivitis is a collective term for the inflammatory reaction of the conjunctival tissue in response to external and the body’s own factors. Although conjunctivitis itself does not have a serious impact on vision, when its inflammation reaches the cornea or causes complications, it can lead to visual impairment. According to the condition and course of conjunctivitis, it can be divided into acute, subacute and chronic; according to the etiology, it can be divided into bacterial, viral, chlamydial, fungal and allergic; according to the characteristics of conjunctival lesions, it can be divided into acute follicular conjunctivitis, chronic follicular conjunctivitis, membranous and pseudomembranous conjunctivitis, etc.  1. How is conjunctivitis caused?  Conjunctival congestion, exudation, papillary hypertrophy, and follicular formation caused by infection, allergy, and trauma. The causes can be divided into: (1) exogenous: because the conjunctiva is exposed, it is susceptible to inflammation due to the stimulation of various external microorganisms, wind and dust, physical and chemical toxins, etc.  (2) endogenous: infection of the conjunctiva by pathogenic bacteria through blood or lymph, or allergic reaction to infectious agents elsewhere in the body. Inflammation can also come from the direct spread of adjacent tissues. Conjunctivitis is classified as bacterial, viral, chlamydial, mycobacterial, and allergic according to its etiology. Early symptomatic treatment at the local hospital ophthalmology is recommended.  2.What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis?  The clinical manifestations of conjunctivitis are sudden conjunctival congestion, burning sensation, itchiness, and discharge. Generally, vision is not affected, and examination reveals eyelid redness, lid conjunctival congestion, papillary follicular hyperplasia, peripheral bulbar conjunctival congestion, sometimes edema and subconjunctival hemorrhage, and discharge from the conjunctival sac. Treatment should be localized to the cause. It is recommended to go to the local hospital ophthalmology department for symptomatic treatment as early as possible.  3, conjunctivitis with what eye drops according to the causative factors to choose eye drops, such as viral infection using anti-viral eye drops better, bacterial infection using anti-bacterial eye drops better. If you are not sure, please go to the local hospital for symptomatic treatment.  4.How long does it take for conjunctivitis to heal?  According to the condition and course of conjunctivitis, it can be divided into three categories: acute, subacute and chronic. The course of the disease varies from case to case, so please go to your local hospital for symptomatic treatment.  5.Is conjunctivitis contagious?  The causes of conjunctivitis can be divided into two categories, infectious and non-infectious, depending on their nature.  (1) Infectious: Inflammation of the conjunctiva due to infection by pathogenic microorganisms.  (2) Non-infectious: Allergic inflammation caused by local or systemic allergic reactions is the most common, and external physical and chemical factors such as light and various chemicals can also be causative factors.

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