No need to clean your teeth, teach you to eliminate tartar in 5 minutes!

Sometimes brushing doesn’t really make your teeth clean, yellow or black teeth may also be rejected by your friends in life communication, it is hard to imagine how embarrassing it will be in front of your friends if your teeth are yellow or black, here is a method to make your teeth clean quickly and thoroughly. 1.Teach you to eliminate tartar in 5 minutes. Ingredients: One strawberry, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. Method: Grind the strawberry into a burnt form, mix it thoroughly with the baking powder, apply the mixture evenly on the surface of your teeth with a soft toothbrush, brush off the mixture with toothpaste after 5 minutes, and then rinse your mouth. Experience: Talking about this method, it’s amazing! I saw it from an American magazine, which said; malic acid contained in strawberries can be used as a retractant. It removes stains from the surface of the teeth. When mixed with baking powder, it becomes a natural tooth cleaner that can remove stains left by coffee, red wine and cola on the surface of teeth. After reading that article, I didn’t hesitate to buy 3 pounds of strawberries and two packets of baking powder! After using it, the effect is even better, the teeth are as white as ceramic! There may be strawberry seeds left in the crevices of the teeth, but they can be removed with a toothpick. Oh! Oh yeah! I would like to remind you not to use this method too often, otherwise the malic acid in the strawberry will damage the tooth enamel, once a week is more appropriate. 2, dry the orange peel, grind it into powder, and mix it with toothpaste to brush your teeth, your teeth will be white soon. 3, home vinegar (aged vinegar, white vinegar can be, but not vinegar essence) in the mouth for 1 minute to 3 minutes, then spit out, brush teeth. The effect is very good! But is the teeth will feel very sour, numb (feeling will last about 2 minutes) can not be continuous, often do, about 2 months to do once, it is good. Otherwise, it is not good for your teeth, it is a way to save the day when there is an emergency (such as before going out on a date, and found that the teeth are so yellow), but also in addition to bad breath. 4.After brushing your teeth, dip in lemon juice and rub each tooth. 5.When brushing your teeth, use some yeast powder on your toothbrush can help your teeth become white. 6, chew the raw peanuts, do not swallow, take the peanut crumbs as toothpaste and brush your teeth, can make your teeth white. 7, use the bones of the squid, crushed on the toothbrush as toothpaste, immediate results (squid is cuttlefish, squid. It has a large bone in its body, is white, scrape a fingernail, can come out a lot of white powder, the powder as toothpaste, can make teeth white). Health care knowledge after meals Indigestion, drink barley tea or orange peel water after meals. Allantoin in barley and volatile oil in orange peel can increase gastric juice secretion and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is good for the digestion and absorption of food. Eat too greasy, drink a cup of celery juice. If you eat more greasy food in a meal, drinking a cup of celery juice with low sugar and high fiber content is very beneficial. The fiber in celery can take away some of the fat. Drink some yogurt after eating hot pot. Hot pot soup is hot and the ingredients are salty and spicy, which is a big stimulus to the stomach and intestines. Drinking yogurt after eating hot pot can effectively protect the gastrointestinal tract mucosa. In addition, yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria, which can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria. To moisten the lungs and stop coughing, eat a persimmon after a meal. Persimmons have the effect of moistening the lungs and nourishing the yin and clearing dryness, making them one of the ideal health fruits for people with whistling diseases. However, persimmons should not be eaten on an empty stomach, as the tannic acid content in them tends to form lumps in the stomach. Eat a banana after a barbecue. Barbecue-type foods can produce more benzopyrene and other ai-causing substances. After the latest research, it was found that bananas can inhibit the ai-causing effects of benzo(a)pyrene to a certain extent and protect the stomach and intestines. (Eating a pear or drinking a cup of hot pear juice after a meal can also discharge a lot of the ai-causing substances accumulated in the body.) After eating crab, drink ginger brown sugar water. Crab meat is cold, so people with a cold spleen and stomach may suffer from stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting after eating it. After eating crab, drink a cup of warm ginger and brown sugar water to warm the stomach, promote digestion and relieve stomach discomfort. However, it is not suitable for diabetic patients. Eat fruit after eating instant noodles. Eating a little fruit after eating instant noodles, such as apples, strawberries, oranges, kiwis, etc., can effectively compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals.

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