What are the symptoms of high creatinine in uremia?

Uremia patients with high creatinine may experience numbness of the limbs, swelling and decreased urine output, headache, fatigue and weakness, nausea and vomiting, itchy skin and other symptoms. 1. numbness of the limbs: uremia patients due to a large accumulation of toxins in the body, there will be symptoms of high creatinine, resulting in patients with insufficient blood supply to the hands and feet, numbness of the limbs and other symptoms. 2. Swelling and reduced urine output: patients with high creatinine in uremia, due to renal failure, resulting in kidney filtration metabolism function is not enough to metabolize the body’s normal excess water, resulting in generalized swelling, reduced urine output and other symptoms. 3. Headache, fatigue and weakness: due to uremic creatinine patients, cell function is impaired, the body metabolism is disorganized. The accumulation of a large number of harmful substances in the body, thus causing neuropathy, headache, fatigue and fatigue and other symptoms. 4. Nausea and vomiting: When uremic creatinine is high, the body’s metabolic substances will change, so that intestinal bacteria produce urease, an enzyme that can make urine decompose into ammonia. Ammonia will strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting symptoms. 5. itchy skin: uremic creatinine patients, the toxic products in the body will stimulate the skin, the patient’s skin more dry, flaky, which leads to itchy skin symptoms. Uremia patients who have the above symptoms, need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, follow the doctor’s advice and active treatment.

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