Efficacy and Indications of Six-flavored Dihuang Tang

Six flavors of dihuang soup, that is, six flavors of dihuang pills for soup, the efficacy of the main nourishing the liver and kidneys, the main treatment of liver and kidney yin deficiency, deficiency of liver and kidney, true yin deficiency and other diseases, the specific use of medication to follow the doctor’s instructions.
Six-flavored Dihuang Tang is indicated for the treatment of deficiency of liver and kidney, deficiency of liver and kidney yin, deficiency of true yin, depletion of essence and blood, toothache due to deficiency fire (toothache caused by deficiency fire and yin deficiency), tooth leakage, dental declaration, dry tongue and sore throat, and many other conditions.
Specific symptoms treated by Six-flavored Dihuang Tang include lumbar and knee soreness and weakness, bone vapor and hot flashes (a burst of heat, feeling that the heat comes from inside the bone to the outside), night sweating (abnormal sweating after going to sleep and stopping after waking up), spermatorrhea, dizziness, ringing in the ears, a reddish tongue with little moss, and a thin and countless pulse (a pulse that becomes narrower and finer, and at a faster rate), and so on.
If you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor in time. Specific medication should be taken under the guidance of a specialist.

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