Can you drink lotus leaf tea during menstruation?

It is advisable not to drink lotus leaf tea during menstruation for the following reasons: 1. lotus leaf tea has the effect of astringent to stop bleeding, and when women drink it during menstruation, it will easily cause stagnation of menstrual blood and affect the smooth circulation of menstrual blood, resulting in symptoms such as dysmenorrhea. 2, lotus leaf tea has the effect of lowering fat, weight loss, etc., women drink during menstruation, it is easy to affect the body’s intake of nutrients, because menstrual blood takes away many nutrients from the body, blood loss is relatively large, if there is insufficient intake of nutrients, it will aggravate the body’s nutritional symptoms, affecting women’s health. 3, lotus leaf tea is a cold The woman drink during menstruation is likely to cause poor circulation of menstrual blood, or excessive menstrual volume, prolonged periods, etc., affecting the normal menstrual cycle, if not dealt with in a timely manner, but also easily lead to menstrual disorders.

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