What’s wrong with menstrual blood that looks like it’s been mixed with water?

If the menstrual blood looks like it has been mixed with water, there are several possibilities: 1. It is caused by inflammation of the endometrium. As there is inflammation of the endometrium, there will be exudation and the exudate will dilute the menstrual blood, making it lighter in color, like water mixed with it. 2. It may be due to dilution of the blood caused by anemia, and the color of the blood will also become lighter, like water, and not sticky. Therefore, both of these conditions may cause the color of menstrual blood to become lighter. In this case, it is better to: 1. check the blood routine after the menstruation is clean; 2. do ultrasound to understand the condition of the endometrium and give appropriate treatment according to the result.

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