Benefits of Boiled Banana in Pure Milk

The main ingredients of pure milk boiled bananas are milk and bananas, which can be consumed in moderation for more comprehensive supplementation of protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients, but have no medicinal efficacy effects. 100 milliliters of pure (cow) milk contains 54 calories, of which 3.4 grams of carbohydrates, 3.2 grams of fat, 3.0 grams of protein, 24 micrograms of vitamin A, 0.21 milligrams of vitamin E, 109 milligrams of potassium, 104 milligrams of calcium and 1.9 micrograms of selenium. Milk is a high quality source of nutrients such as protein and calcium. Banana has 22.84% of carbohydrates, which is the main nutrient. Potassium in bananas is 358mg/100g and is the most abundant mineral. The content of choline in banana is 9.8mg/100g. Moderate consumption of bananas cooked in plain milk can supplement some of the nutrients needed by the human body, but the nutrients needed by the human body are too heterogeneous to be fully provided by the consumption of bananas cooked in plain milk alone, and it is recommended that the patient has a balanced diet. There is no research result showing that bananas cooked in pure milk have medicinal properties, so patients are advised to go to regular hospitals in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for symptomatic treatment.

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