Do children need to fill tooth decay before tooth replacement?

Before children change their teeth, the decayed and decayed teeth of breast teeth need to be filled as soon as possible, but the filling of children should do a good job of reassuring the children, because it is difficult for children to cooperate with the filling, so we must do a good job of reassuring the children. If the decay of milk teeth is serious, it will cause pain, swelling and even interstitial infection, so it should be treated actively. The development of decay of the baby front teeth will cause defect and color change, which will affect the child’s aesthetic and even psychological health. The caries of the baby teeth and the inflammation of the apical area will cause the repeated infection of the apical area, and may affect the growth and development of the permanent teeth, causing the underdevelopment of the enamel of the permanent teeth, the blockage of the permanent teeth, and the misalignment of the permanent teeth in the future. The development will also affect the chewing efficiency of the child, and even affect the nutrition absorption and general health, so the decayed milk teeth should be treated actively.

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